FAQs about Port Velo Tours Road Cycling Holidays


General Questions about our Road Cycling Holidays


Is there a minimum age requirement? 

18 is the minimum age on all our tours. However, we will accept bookings from 16 – 18 year olds if travelling with and, more importantly, cycling with a parent during the holiday.

I need to cancel my trip; what should I do? 

The first thing to do is contact us by email (we require written confirmation of all cancellations) to explain the situation. Please read our Terms and Conditions (sections 4 and 5) for the details. We recommend that you have insurance in place at the time of booking and that you include cancellation cover, as injuries during training are not uncommon.

Do I need insurance?  Will you check my policy?

Travel insurance is compulsory on all our holidays.  We are unfortunately not able to check through individual policies, but you must have insurance cover for the things below.

  1. Compulsory: Cover for road cycling (touring as opposed to racing or competitive cycling)
  2. Compulsory: Cover for medical expenses and repatriation
  3. Strongly advised: Holiday cancellation or curtailment (cancellation due to injury during training is not uncommon)
  4. Strongly advised: damage, theft or loss of personal belongings and sport equipment including bike.

Please indicate at the time of booking that you have suitable insurance and we will email you before the start of the holiday to ask for your insurance provider, policy number and contact details of your insurer.

How much spending money will I need?

You will need money for incidentals over and above the included meals, coffees & beers (wine and soft drinks are typically included in the evening meals. However please refer to each tour for specific inclusions/exclusions and any personal items (suncreams etc.) and souvenirs. Prices vary depending on the itinerary location.

What will the weather be like?

We, like you, are hoping that you will get sunshine and perfect cycling temperatures, but we admit it is the one aspect of your trip over which we have NO control. Weather patterns in the UK are highly changeable so the good news is that if you do get rain/cold weather, it is not likely to stay long.  Even with reliably warm weather, cycling in the UK requires that you bring ALL the recommended layers to protect you from the cold. When you are sweaty and tired you will feel the cold on even the shortest of descents even on a hot day, let alone on a cold/foggy one. Please refer to the packing list in your pre-departure pack.

Can I arrive a day early/leave a day later?

Absolutely.  Arriving a day early or leaving a day later can make it possible for you to use preferred regional airports and rail connections. We can book you into a hotel if it is our existing start/end hotel (or you are welcome to do so yourself as you may be able to secure a better price and avoid our admin charge), and you would then pay the hotel direct for your extra costs incurred. We are not able to book or recommend other hotels as the range is just too huge and we are not up to date with the quality of the various options. We recommend using TripAdvisor or similar to find a hotel that suits your needs.

Can I arrive late onto a trip or leave early?

We hope you don’t have to as you will be missing out on some fabulous cycling! However, we know that sometimes you need to get home for something important so we will do our best to work with you on an individual basis to make a plan. We are likely to be able to facilitate your transport but you would need to pay for any independent transfers required.   Unfortunately, we are not able to offer refunds or discounts for trips that are cut short, and due to the point to point nature of a lot of our trips, it may not always be simple (or cheap) to leave a trip early or join a trip late.

Am I fit enough?

It is possible that the idea of doing a cycling holiday was planted in your mind while you were relaxing and talking to friends. Now you are ready to book that cycling holiday, it is perfectly normal to have those doubts whether you are now fit enough to take on any multi day riding holiday.

All our routes are challenging to a great or lesser degree and you need to be a regular road cyclist in order to enjoy and get the most out of these trips, so please make sure the trip is right for you before you book. Many of our riders are club cyclists or have done sportives or other longer distance rides. However, by no means all of them have and we have had many clients who have been fairly new to road cycling (but who have a good level of fitness, perhaps from a different sport) who have effectively trained for the trip and successfully completed a tour. 

We completely understand your concern, however;  our aim on all our tours is to provide support and encouragement that gives you the confidence to have fun and enjoy your holiday. 

We provide detailed tour descriptions and difficulty ratings at the time of booking, click here to see our Guide to Road Cycling Grades, to help you choose the tour that best suits your fitness level and cycling ability.

What happens if I can't complete a stage or need to take a break?

We understand that cycling can be challenging, and we provide support vehicles and experienced guides to assist you throughout the tour. If you are unable to complete a stage, we can transport you and your bike to the next destination. If you need to take a break, we can provide rest stops and support along the way.

What does a typical day look like?

The day will start with a hearty breakfast with your fellow travellers.  We will then have a pre ride briefing before setting off.  We will ride in a group where possible with the support van close at hand. A lunch stop will take place at a confirmed time each day for you to refuel and top up your fluid levels.  The van will also carry stocks.  We will aim to arrive at the evening’s hotel at around 1700 each day.  This can of course vary depending on several factors.

Are there massages available on route?

Most of our trips are point to point and we move on each night. If any of the hotels have the opportunity for a massage to be booked, this will be noted in the Holiday Trip Notes. Massage bookings, where possible, are made via your guides or directly with the hotel on the trip and are charged separately on an individual basis.

Navigation and Support on Your Road Cycling Holiday

Are meals included in the tour price?

Yes, we provide delicious and nutritious meals and snacks throughout the tour, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We cater to a range of dietary preferences and needs, and can accommodate vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and other requests. Please make sure you tell us about any allergen or food preferences at the time of booking.

Do you provide energy gels and electrolyte tabs/powders?

Yes, however we find that there is such an array of products out there and that clients have such a specific preference for one type/flavour over another, that we ask you to bring your own energy gels. We offer a good variety of sweet and savoury snacks from the van including fruit & seed bars, salty crisps, fresh fruit, various nuts, dried fruits, and cakes and we will have some energy or recovery products from our partners, but this is limited.

Do I need to bring a GPS ?

We provide comprehensive written directions, maps and climb profiles for every day of your holiday, however, there is no doubt that clients have a more relaxed experience if they have their own GPS or are cycling with someone that has a GPS. It removes the anxiety of getting lost and means you can concentrate on the scenery, the culture, and the cycling. We therefore highly recommend that you borrow or buy a GPS for your holiday. A few weeks before departure we will share with you your GPS files, with links and full instructions on how to download them to your GPS unit.

Will someone be able to help upload GPS files? 

We highly recommend playing with your GPS and loading up the files before your trip as it will help you get to know your GPS and how to make it work for you, which will benefit you when you are cycling. However, if for whatever reason you can’t upload your files then our guides can assist you on the trip, or reach out to us and we can arrange to assist you over the phone or via email.


Do you arrange my travel flights/trains? 

No, flights are not included in the cost of your holiday. Our holiday contract with you starts when we meet you at the hotel.  We will provide you with airport transfer times and you are responsible for booking a flight that ties in with those times. Groups of more than 6 travelling together may wish to contact us to see if it is mutually beneficial for us to be able to offer you a customised airport/train station transfer.

Will you meet me at the hotel?

Your guide(s) (or a Port Velo representative) will be at the hotel to meet you. They will be expecting you and are easily spotted, wearing Port Velo Tour tops and carrying a Port Velo Tour sign with them!


Can I hire a bike?

Unfortunately, at this time we don’t have the availability. Bringing your own bike is the safest way to ensure you’ll be 100% comfortable on your chosen ride, however we’re more than happy to recommend local bike shops that provide rental services, please get in touch if you can’t bring your own bike. We recommend that you ensure your bike is in good working condition before the tour and bring any necessary spare parts or accessories.

What happens if my flight/train is delayed or if my bike doesn’t arrive?

We will deal with these situations on an individual basis but will assist you as much as we can in getting you onto the trip and getting a bike to ride. All our teams carry a spare bike with them.  Additional costs incurred will need to be met by you however and claimed back via your holiday insurance as Port Velo Tours is not liable for failures by travel services.

What should I carry with me on the bike?

Phone, money, emergency contact card, snacks, water, arm/leg warmers, gilet

Do I need to be a good mechanic?

We don’t expect anyone to be a qualified mechanic on one of our tours (bar our lovely guides of course!) but a basic knowledge of a bike is always recommended. For extra support, our guiding teams have plenty of knowledge to keep bikes rolling under most circumstances. On the rare occasions that we can’t fix a bike on the road, we’ll do everything we can to get you to a bike shop ASAP.

What happens if I get a puncture?

Don’t be deflated if this happens to you along the way! We promise it’s not as tricky and technical as it may seem and we can give you a crash course, if you need it, before you set off. Our tour support van will be kitted out with the basics needed to keep you in good order (multitool, spare tubes, puncture repair kits and tyre levers etc…) should you get into any major bother and need a helping hand to get you on the move again.

Will you transport my bike box on the trip?

Absolutely – the ‘usual’ for our point to point trips is that your empty bike box will be put inside or on top of (wrapped nicely in tarpaulin!) one of our support vans. On trips where we start and end at the same hotel, we will leave the bike boxes at that hotel.

Is there parking at the hotel?

Yes, your tour will include parking at the arrival hotel for the duration of your tour

Do I need to bring bike lights?

Yes please – they are advisable for all trips but essential particularly for routes where there are lots of tunnels and the lights are important for safe riding.  With changeable weather however, we would advise bringing them with you in any case. Please also bring front lights if you hire a bike.

Do I have to wear a helmet?

Yes, it’s part of our policy that all customers of Port Velo are safe on their bikes and therefore we ask that everyone wear a helmet whilst enjoying a Port Velo cycling holiday. Please click here to read our helmet policy in full.

What sort of cycling kit do you recommend?

After booking your holiday we'll send you the pre-departure pack which contains your essential packing list for you chosen trip, so pay close attention to this and pack accordingly. Some additional items our team suggest for the road include chamois cream decanted into a small bottle – 4 hours into an 8 ride most of that chamois cream you lathered on when you got dressed will have rubbed off! If you’re looking to go cleated, some cleat covers are a great way to protect your beautiful cycling shoes during lunch, café stops and will stop you sliding on slippery floors. Finally, a pair of arm warmers are always handy when facing fluctuating temperatures in the UK.

Can I buy CO2 cannisters, as I can’t fly with them?

Yes, we have a stock of threaded cannisters that you can take with you and pay for if you use them.

Does it matter what type of bike box/bag I have?

No, we can transport/store both bike boxes and bags using our support vans. Where the holiday starts and ends at the same hotel, bags and boxes will stay there during the trip. There is no access to bike boxes/bags during any trip, even if they are in one of our vans, as they will be securely packaged. Nothing should therefore be left inside them that you might need.

Can someone help me put my bike together on arrival?

Absolutely – we have two guides available at the start of every trip who will be ‘around’ whilst you unpack your bike and assemble it. They are obviously not able to put 20 bikes together, however they are there to advise/and help you problem solve if you get stuck. We find that there are usually lots of clients within a group who are happy to help others with their bike assembly.

What spares should I bring for my bike?

On your holiday pages you will find a suggested packing list, which details all the clothing as well as bike spares you need to bring. It also specifies what you need to bring if you are hiring a bike. Tools (apart from tyre levers, a mini pump and puncture repair kit) are not required as Port Velo Tours has them available (including a torque wrench) for you to use on arrival.

Do you provide mounts for GPS on hire bikes?

No, please bring your own with you (and remember to take it off the bike again at the end of the trip if you hire a bike!)

What pedals do you provide with hire bikes?

Please bring your own set of pedals to be fitted to your hire bike, so that you can be confident with the set up and match for your cleats/biking shoes.


What is the accommodation like?

The accommodation on a cycling tour will differ from tour to tour as different hotels are used. Generally, we stay at 3-4 star accommodation on an individual basis with ensuite facilities. Our accommodation is handpicked for its local charm, location, cleanliness and value. There is also the option to upgrade hotels on some trips, please get in touch with our staff for further information.

I have specific dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian/gluten/dairy free): can you arrange meals for me?

The short answer is yes, we can, but depending on where you are travelling with us, it may not be as simple an answer as that. Our office lets the hotel know of any dietary requirements in our groups well in advance of the trip and our guides confirm this with the hotel on their arrival. Our recommendation is that you let us know what kind of meals you eat when exercising and we will do our utmost to maximize the potential of

Are there laundry facilities?

As our itineraries are generally point to point, options to use hotel laundry facilities (where they exist) are limited and they normally incur additional charges. However, we have a system for drying hand washed kit so bring hand wash with you. Your guides will explain the system for your holiday. Please use the packing list provided to help you gauge what to bring.

Do the hotels have wifi?

Yes, some only have a signal in reception as opposed to in individual rooms. It is also worth considering that with Strava being as popular as it is, a lot of our hotels’ wifi signals struggle in the evenings with everyone uploading their routes.

Can my non-cycling companion come on the holiday too?

As a Tour Operator specialising in road cycling holidays, our priority has always been to create and develop fantastic itineraries that appeal to regular and fit cyclists. Many of our itineraries are not suitable for non-cyclists due to the point-to-point nature of the route. Non-cyclists that have joined such trips in the past have spent long hours travelling in our support vans, or in their own vehicle, with little flexibility to create enjoyment for themselves.

Can I design my own trip?

Yes! Whether you’re simply looking to do one of our standard trips but on a different date than our scheduled departures, modify an existing itinerary to meet your own needs or have grand designs to organise something from scratch, we can work with you to give you exactly what you want. Click here to contact us to find out more about our bespoke holidays or call us to discuss your ideas and turn your dream trip into reality.

How many people are typically on a Port Velo tour?

Our tours are small-group tours, with a maximum of 6-8 cyclists per tour. This allows us to provide a personalized and attentive service and ensure that each rider receives individual attention and support. For more details about your chosen group trip size, please contact our team, who’ll be happy to help. NB: On rare occasions we may alter the minimum/ maximum number of guests per trip.








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